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Car Show Season... sadly coming to an end! But we had a GREAT time at all of the shows we went to. We always have a blast hanging out with awesome friends we've met along the way & I love to take a step back each year and think about the memories we've made along the way.

So even though we have some more shows to hit up before the end of the year, I wanted to recap the ones that have come and gone:

Ford Nationals - Carlisle, PA | June 2-4

Chevrolet Nationals - Carlisle, PA | June 23-25 [Some of these photos are courtesy of NJ5thGen Camaro Club - noted with their logo at the bottom!]

American Muscle Mustang Show - Mohnton, PA | August 12

And although it rained at almost all of the above shows, we still had a blast & it's always sad when it starts getting colder & the cars can't come out as often.

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